Express translation service

Need fast translation?
Qordoba’s always-on linguist teams have turned around +20,000 word projects in the same day.

philosophy Services

Fast, scalable and reliable content of the highest quality: that is the Qordoba promise. We can meet urgent timelines thanks to our web-based platform of hundreds of highly qualified professional linguists, who are on call 24/7 in 30 countries around the world. Recent successes include a 22,000 word tender offer for a civil engineering project delivered in 12 hours, a 15,000 government legal review in 8 hours, and a 65,000 political communique translated in 30 hours.

team Quality assurance

Every project goes through a 3-step process involving a translator, editor and proofreader. Even for projects with turnaround times of merely hours, Qordoba does not compromise on our quality assurance process.

services Technology

Being smart about accumulating experience, in technology and people, is how Qordoba consistently delivers fast translation services. Cloud-based glossaries, translation memories, style guides and precedent material as well as dedicated client teams ensure quality, consistency and fast turnaround. Proprietary technology is a core part of our project management procedures

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